A Podcast Conversation: Managing Anxiety

In February, I had the absolute honor to sit with a dear friend, Amy McGee, to record a podcast on the topic of anxiety and stress for floral designers. This was a “pre-COVID-19” conversation, which of course means it feels like it was recorded YEARS ago! But it is astounding how our conversation seems even more applicable now that it did when we recorded in February.

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It is hard to describe Amy McGee with one simple phrase; she defies a simplistic introduction. She is a respected and highly influential blogger in the floral industry, a fierce advocate (Pay it Forward), a nurturing soul, a vision-caster, a floral designer, host of a floral industry podcast, creative entrepreneur, a radical and inclusive lover of all people. She is all those things, plus I have the privilege off calling her a dear friend. My kids and Amy’s kids (well, they are all adults now!) grew up together and our hubbies are the best of friends. In a season of life when our family felt silenced and alone, Amy was our voice of truth. She moves into the lives of people with courage, beauty, and kindness.

Amy is a warm place to land when the world feels cold.

Find out more about Handling Anxiety

Find out more about Handling Anxiety

This conversation was recorded to address to issues of anxiety in the floral industry. Amy had some questions for me to help those in her field, but this 25 minute conversation is rich and applicable for ANYONE who has struggled with anxiety, no matter where you work or what your life looks like right now.

Click here to tune in to this life-giving conversation.

You can find more about Amy and her blog, Botanical Brouhaha, here.