The Adventure Begins

Sunset on a mountain lake at a campsite, virtually by ourselves? Fried potatoes and green beans and ham for dinner? Waking up to the glowing sunrise, beckoning us into another day of adventure? Let’s goooo!

A FULL day of hiking (24,000 steps) up to see glacier views perfectly reflected in the water, then through rainforests where surely the Elves lived? Hiking in freezing glacier waters through an old mining water tunnel from 1890, with glowworms tucked into the mountain walls? Trail after trail with water flowing and moving and pulsing through the landscape? You bet!

A day chatting and dreaming and giggling and staring up in awe at this picturesque landscape? My dream!

Another tucked away campsite, with tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner? Game on!

Our first hot shower since leaving Texas? Ummmm, yes please!