We're off

We’re off.

New Zealand, here we come!

Have we always traveled like this. Nope. There were many years our income, life-stage, and schedules would not allow this type of travel. Will we always be able to travel like this? Nope. We know we are in a short season where we can squeeze out longer trips; we are fully aware it won’t always be like this.

But have I always LOVED exploring and peeking around the next bend? YEP! I have always made concerted efforts to be in nature and play as much as I could. For many years, that meant loading high chairs, baby food, and pack-n-plays to set up in a tent. Sometimes it was nothing more that a weekend to visit my parents in Arneckeville and enjoying some country sunsets. Other seasons, it was transforming a simple trip to see Chris’ family into a Colorado vacation. Geesh, sometimes it was nothing more than camping in the backyard. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

Join me as we ruthlessly pursue delight in a world set to recklessly pursue misery. How about we all unite together on Team Delight and set our course for the beautiful, unknown path of joy?

Now boarding Flight “Let’s Go”!