The walk back

One of the hardest things we can ever do it walk right back up to face what we fear. Head on.

I promise I will tell the full ocean storm story another time.

This picture depicts the moment I had to walk right back onto a boat I feared might have been the end for me.

When we have endured an overwhelming difficulty, or a tragic loss, or a frustrating setback, everything in our neurobiology screams at us, “DON’T DO IT!!! DON’T TAKE THE RISK! YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DO!”

You know the kind of moments I’m talking about…

  • Stepping into the church building after your crippling season of doubt and hurt.

  • Typing out a password on the dating app after a paltry desert hike through loneliness.

  • Sitting in the dentist chair after that terrifying drilling sound three years ago..

  • Opening your teenager’s door to apologize for overreacting.

The picture of me walking through the shallow water shows a moment in our recent wild camping trip to Costa Rica. We were on our way to a hike in one of the most bid-diverse ecosystems in the world, Corcovado National Park, when we encountered a relentless Pacific ocean storm. We were pummeled by waves and rain. After the harrowing nightmare, we arrived safely on the peninsula, completed our hike, but then we had to return to our original destination the same way we had come.

I had to get back on the boat.

Oh, I didn’t want to. My anxiety was high My fear was present. The dread was palpable.

Growth requires discomfort. It requires us to face our fear. The more fear dominates, the more territory it takes over. So the decision ultimately ends up being this: how much room will we allow fear to occupy. Fear is normal, it is natural. It has it’s place. However, in order to grow, we have to enter the dreaded territory of fear and say to it, “You are NOT as scary as you seem! You are not as REAL as you taunt me to believe.”

No matter what storm you are facing or what dread you are fearing, slow down and remind yourself you have what you need to face it. Facing it is absolutely the bravest thing you can do.

Hey there Soul Adventurer, walk back toward it. Pack up that fear and bring it with you. I’ve done it and I know you can do it as well.