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Sharing is hard. My last post seemed to resonate with two sets of people. Parents with adult kids and young parents looking ahead to the day they would be in the adult parenting stage.  But the struggle is deeper than a parenting issue. We ALL struggle with sharing in one form or another.With someone else getting what we want. With watching things we wanted slip out of our hands. (full post)

The Walk back

I promise I will tell the full ocean storm story another time.

But this picture depicts the moment I had to walk right back onto a boat I feared might have been the end for me. (more)

Bravery redefined

There are thousands of ways to be brave. Wild camping in Costa Rica is only one very tiny way.

It’s brave to move, to job hunt, to parent. It’s brave to crawl out of bed when you’re depressed to take a 5 minute walk. (more)

One of those days

Bad days are not bound by geography. We can have them in exotic and beautiful places as well as in the everydayness and comfort of our own living rooms. I’ve learned to sorta let them be. I don’t ignore my emotions, but I also don’t over-identify with them. A bad morning is just that: a bad morning. We’re human. We are going to have some off days. Moods change and shift. (full post)

We are better relators when we practice the art of sharing those we love. The truth is, the people I love are not owned by me; they are God’s, first and foremost.

Joyfully sharing them with other people, celebrating when they have new experiences and see other families’ way of doing things, is a part of growing to be a healthier lover of people. (full post)

Adventure into self care

Exploring inside the the canyon walls of Zion National Park was like discovering endless displays of beautiful rock architecture. I love to explore wonders in nature but for years I ignored the exploration of my inner world. (more)

the waves of fear

Anxiety threatens to beat up our world, our nation, our families, our lives. One fear at a time. One panic at a time. One “what if” at a time. The onslaught of issues we have to fear is like the waves crashing on the beach. (more)

Don’t believe your local FB gripe group, blathering endlessly about how awful people are. Tune out those horrible headlines, screeching about how the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Yes, there are vile people on this planet, terrible tragedies in our midst. However, God made a world that can also be a beautiful, tender, caring ecosystem. (full post)

The List

I used to get so frustrated with myself. I would angry when I displayed another one of my “classic Christine” screw-ups: not responding in a timely way to someone who reached out, forgetting to write thank you notes, (more)

The Gift of Receiving

God built the natural world to both give and receive. The earth receives rain and then bears fruit from that which the rain provides. God made our (more)